To create the dodge/burn layer click on the ‘create new layer’ icon (or hit SHIFT + Ctrl + ‘n’). An empty layer will appear above your background image layer. Rename the layer Burn Dodge (this is simply good house-keeping – when you have 10 or more layers it’s far easier to find the one you are looking for when they each have a name). Next, go to Edit>Fill (or hit SHIFT + F5). The whole image will go grey. Move to the layers palette and click on the blend mode drop down menu (next to the opacity slider) and select ‘Soft Light’. The background image will now reappear.
What has been created is a neutral 50% grey layer that matches the ideal middle tone. By applying white or black ‘paint’ we lighten or darken the layer, thereby lightening (dodging) or darkening (burning) the pixels in the layer below. The next step then is to apply the paint. Go to the paintbrush tool in the tools palette (or hit ‘b’). Right click on the image to pull up the dialogue for your brush. Choose the size brush that best suits the area to be adjusted and ensure that it is well feathered (harness should be at ‘0’). To demonstrate the effect of the applied ‘paint I have simply created a tick in white ink and a cross in black. |